Sunday, December 12, 2010

We are getting hit with the blizzard-looking out front door.

It is still snowing and blowing as of 8:30 a.m. We are going out in it for awhile, just to experience it! Off to Quick Trip down the middle of the road! Maybe 14-16 inches-can't see out the windows.
11:00 We have most of it snow blowed and shoveled! The cars are dug out, mine moved. The truck is cleaned off, but not moved. It is still blowing and snowing and getting colder by the minute-below zero by tomorrow morning. We are in for coffee and cocoa. Did anyone else get snow?


Haley said...

Is that out the front door? We're thankful for the snowblower this year!

Haley said...

It is almost sunny here now, still very windy. The snow in the front of our house was as high as the auger section of the snowblower.