Sunday, September 25, 2011

My "now retired" friend Mary!

Mary comes in every morning to help her old teammates!

The late harvest....and it is still coming!

The "cheater" tomato plant that we bought at the end of May and had tomatoes for the 4th of July, is STILL blossoming and producing tomatoes! There are no leaves, just stems with tomatoes hanging from them. I should have counted how many tomatoes we got off that plant! The backyard plant however, has the biggest tomatoes and there are many, many more!

Go Pack Go!

Stopped at Festival Foods in DePere the other night. You can't buy these buns just anywhere!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blue sky and the mountains of Colorado

Cool bathroom too!

Our home away from home in Denver.

ALoft Motel in Denver-thanks Sarah!

Celebrating completing Emily's paper work for work.

Look closely and you will see the special treat from Colorado!

Recall Scott Walker at Josh and John's Ice Cream!

Josh and John's for ice cream!

A stop at the French Bread Shop.

We can't decide which is better, the peaches or the pears!

These are the best!

The sign says it all!

Emily at the farmer's market in Colorado Springs

We have been eating the best pears, peaches, and Rocky Ford cantalope from this market!

IKEA Denver

We traveled near the Denver IKEA on our way home from the hospital. I think this will be as close as I get this trip to the largest IKEA in North America.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fitzsimons Hospital-my birthplace!

The first day we arrived and Jon was driving us to the hospital, I saw the image on my birth certificate! This is Fitzsimons General Hospital where I was born on April 1, 1946 as my dad was finishing up World War II and was based in Denver. I lived here for 5 weeks and then my mother, my aunt Helen, and I flew home to Iowa. I always thought it was cool that Emily went to Colorado College, and now lives in Colorado Springs, but it is quite emotional to know she is on the same campus as my birthplace! I see this view each day.

University of Colorado

This is Emily's hospital and our "home away from home". in Denver.