Monday, March 28, 2011

The screen on our computer!

I guess I have become the crazy "grandma" I said I would not become!

Light from the front door windows on the wall!

We have never seen this before-crazy!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Who is this?

The Rhoades sisters' hospital picture contest begins now. Who can correctly identify each picture. Choices: Jesse, Haley, Emily.
Jana has already been identified in a previous post. Good Luck!

Who is this?

Who is this?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jana's hospital picture

Nice round face like Julia.

Jana's baby book

I like the quiet and laid back.

At last!

Julia Grace Bevill is home! 4:00 p.m. Jana has it all on video. Abby and Chester love their new sister!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Julia, Julia!

This has been an emotional week. Julia has had an exciting and tough time. We are praying that she can come home tomorrow. Jana, Jared, and Jackie (Jared's mom) have been camping out at the hospital since she was released on Monday night, and Jana has been nursing and pumping very successfully. Good job, Jana! Julia's delivery was hard and she developed some infection and jaundice. She has been on antibiotics and under the light a bit, but numbers are returning to normal. She is a little fighter and just a doll!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Announcing the birth of grandchild number one!

Julia Grace Bevill, born March 19 at 12:53 p.m. 6# 15oz. 19 inches long. Mobile, Alabama
We met on Skype this afternoon. Tiny, cute, dark hair, content, and looks like her daddy, Jared.
Jana looks great-and will be an awesome mom! Hoorah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The farmer event "Pull Together" started the day on March 12th in Madison!


Part of the Farmers "Pull Together" parade of tractors around the capitol.

All the yellow cabs in Madison paraded down State Street-one after another afte another in Solidarity.

My favorite image-the state of Wisconsin shaped solidarity-stand with Wisconsin!

Dad took this sign with him as he drove west to Colorado. He took it to the Colorado College vs. Wisconsin Badgers hockey game!

Mary Schmitz went with me as Peter was in Colorado!

Ready to head out to the rally again!

The crowd senses the arrival of the 14!

U.S. Wisconsin Senator Kohl.

A familiar face at the rallies-President of the Firefighters union.

Senator Miller (red jacket) leads the way as the Fabulous 14 return to the Capitol Building for the first time in almost a month!

Dave Hanson was overwelmed by the happy crowd!

Welcome back!


More Senators arriving at the rally to wild cheers from the crowd!

Jesse Jackson, Tammy Baldwin and Fab 14

Monk comes to support his sister a teacher in Denmark.

and the crowd roars "Thank you, thank you!"

The Assembly in orange

The Assemby addresses the crowd-"This is our house!"

Welcome home Senators!! Senator Miller

Blue sky and sun really helped!

Jesse Jackson and the Fab 14

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just arrived home from Madison

I got to see and actually hug several of the Fab 14 Senators that returned to Wisconsin and a welcome home of unbelievable numbers. We were right by the roped off area, so all 14 walked right beside us as well as Jesse Jackson, "Monk", Senator Kohl, John Nichols, etc.They were overwhelmed by 150-200,000 people. I didn't see Jon's parents, but did see 6 people from my school!! People everywhere in solidarity! Pictures when I catch my breath and warm up my fingers.

Got to hear a little music last night via telephone from Colorado!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Off to Appleton for a concrete seminar and then they are on their way!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Guess ?

I got two pieces of mail today-one telling me that my medicare card would be arriving soon, and the other-my Medicare Card.  Although I won't be using it for awhile (as I have medical with my employer) it is reassuring (?) that I have the card!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dad back in Madison

Dad was down in Madison today. Walker was to give his Budget message. Dad was not allowed into the capitol because he needed an appointment! He was among the thousands who stood at each doorway trying to get in and then standing outside the building by the chambers where Walker was addressing "the world". I could hear the crowd chanting during the speech on the Public TV station.