Sunday, February 27, 2011

Many people we know were here, but with 125,000 we didn't see anyone we knew but...

Junebug and Jesse's baker friend-walked down the capitol steps and he was just standing there. I talked to him a bit and told him who we were. Nice to see a familiar face. We did see Paul Soglin, former mayor of Madison again, and a few people from the press we recognized. Another amazing day in Madison trying to be a voice for the middle class and workers of Wisconsin.

Big speakers got the message out to everyone

Peter Yarrow from Peter, Paul, and Mary gets the crowd singing

Together maybe the little guy can beat him....

It's about Freedom


All the sidewalks and streets were shoulder to shoulder Kill the Bill!

It was snowy and cold, but WE ARE WISCONSIN!

We are Wisconsin!

People everywhere

Lots and lots and lots of people

Lots and lots and lots of people

Madison Teacher's Association made these!

A huge Koch brothers banner-the prank call $$$$$$

Shame on you! A cry heard from the assembly chambers and all around Madison

Teamsters with two huge trucks drew a lot of attention as we marched around the capitol

Dad's rally sign-traded in later for the one on the left

February 26, Saturday, inside the capitol

Please read and listen

Cops for Labor

Nice hat, Bill!

Haley and Bill visited for a couple days

Good to have a daughter and son-in-law spend some time in New Holstein! They like to shop their way here and back, with some cross country skiing, good pizza, white fish from Marquette, and discussions about the turmoil in Wisconsin! Thanks to Haley, I have my paper done and submitted for my grad class! Yeah!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Off to Madison!

Peter traveled to Madison to support Mom and all the public workers of Wisconsin who are being bullied. Governor Walker wants to save money for the state by stripping us of our collective bargaining rights. He was there on Wednesday and witnessed one of the biggest crowds of the week.
Mom, Andrea, went to Madison on Saturday and was among 70,000 who attended the rallies at the State Capitol Building. Oh, 1,300 were Walker supporters and 68,700 were AGAINST this so called "Budget Fix Bill."

Amazing-we even sang "Sweet Caroline" , "God Bless America", "Jump Around" all very peaceful!

Second rally in the afternoon. Even more supporters.

What does democracy look like? THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!" Try shouting that a few times with 70,000 or 4-5.000 in the rotunda!

All kinds of support in the rotunda of the Capital.

Can you believe this?

WEAC my union.

We waited in line and were able to go inside


Thanking the firemen!

Lift the camera over your head backwards!

And the crowds grew!

This is what it was like as we were marching (shuffling) around and around the capitol building. We were shoulder to shoulder.

Firefighters support! THANK YOU!

Just retired Madison Teacher to the right in this picture. She has been at the rally every single day!

One of my more favorite signs.

Just arriving!

This was the beginning of my journey

This very sweet bus driver was making sure we knew how to find the bus to get back to our cars. The guys in the hot green coats were our friends the snow plow drivers from Oshkosh. So great to be able to say thank you to them face to face rather than as I drive down a clear road after a huge storm! We heard "thank you! thank you!" shouts from the crowd of 70,000 all day. Thank you firefighters, service men and women, who are standing with us!