Monday, November 29, 2010


Smallest on the inside.  Either staple or tie the ends together.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

This pin is black, gray, and white felt.

What do you think Hale?

Back of the pin-I hotglued the pin on

Tied fleece hats for my kindergartners

Mother helped tie the hats this year, so they are done in November!! Our school theme this year was "learning, a journey of a lifetime", thus the hats. All 70 kindergartners will have one at Christmas!

We went to Abler Glass to watch the artists

We stood in the glass blowing building and watched him craft a beautiful bowl. It was about 100 plus in there, as the oven was 220. Mother stood two feet from the oven, and FINALLY got warm!!

Wind chill minus 1 degrees-Jana trying to stay warm!

Thanksgiving at our house!

A quiet Saturday morning

Several have come and gone, and now the house with Mother and me is pretty quiet. The last load of bedding is in the wash and we have eaten leftovers nicely. Jana and Peter left yesterday at 8:30 for Alabama. Peter just called to say they were on their way to breakfast at the "Tiny Diny" a little place near Jana's work. Haley and Bill traveled back to Marquette, Michigan yesterday as well. Peter and Jana are on the way to the airport and Peter will arrive in Milwaukee around 5:30 and then home. Mother and I are off to Abler Glass for their open house. Several artists are demonstrating their skills including glass blowing.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Headed South

Peter is headed home after several months working in Marinette at the site of the new Tyco Groundwater Remediation Plant. Next stop New Holstein for a few days work then on to Mobile to get Jana and the dogs. The weather has finally changed with a hint of winter in the air. A lot of blaze orange being seen here in the U.P. as Michigan's deer season starts Monday.